Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Because my life is so boring...

I dont have much to post. Or at least it wouldn't be fun to read.... but o well.
Today i decided to sleep in to help adjust my sleeping pattern to the way it used to be. I woke up and went to charter graded my packets with my home dog Ronald Page. Then on the way home i stopped at hollywood video and sat outside til it opened (30 min). I persisted to fall asleep on the concrete. At 10 am i arose and entered the complex and sprinted towards the new release section snatched the first transformers and am now famous to be the only guy that the hollywood video has had camp outside there store to rent a movie.
I then drove home drank some apple juice, studied for the ACT watched transformers fell asleep, woke up and finished transfromers, worked on a packet, fell asleep, woke up ate dinner and wrote this blog.
I am afraid i may have put all your lives to shame, dont be depressed cuz your life isn't nearly as exciting as MINE!!!!!!!
- NOTORIOUS m.a.r.s.h.a.l
(i just figured you all had cool gangster names)

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