Monday, February 25, 2008


Christian that is way awesome!! I loved watching them on the awards last night...I wish they would have won best foreign film too, I think they deserved it!! It sounds like you and Emily are really loving your life in Sunny and Warm CALI!! Rachel, that is awesome you are taking voice lessons again. you really need to put your talent to use again! I mean you have a beautiful voice!So, christian may have seen Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova but I saw B-Money the other day and he totally like gave me his number and stuff...haha and if you don't know who he is please look up his video on youtube, he is hilarious!! The infamous Provo rapper...well I love you guys and Christian you are more then welcomed to our sister blog, I mean after you got that facial with us you did become one of the girls:D


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