Saturday, November 15, 2008


Rachey said...

That totally made me laugh out loud.

michelle said...

I need a little more explanation. I am confused about why it looks like a fart, since I have never actually seen one!

KinseyBug said...

I may have never seen one but I have smelled plenty from the members of this family! Great pic, was it from the mish?

RyGuy said...

Allow me to explain. A fart, when viewed through expert eyes, looks like a dirty cloud of putred essence. This window is clearly dirty, most likely from dust, but I do see the resemblance to a fart. I would however, like to confer with Parker, my fellow fartologist. Although, his specialty is the control of pitch and tone of farts, I think he could shed some light on the subject, maybe even "clear the air" on this confusion.

C Money said...

the pic was from rarotonga. it was the window at the soundstage where they had built that indoor set for the movie, someone from the crew wrote that and I found it quite amusing.

Rachey said...

Oh memories from Raro!